Medical Dermatology

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Hair TRansplant

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Conveniently Located to Serve Houston and the Greater Houston Area

Freeze Away Excess Body Fat With CoolSculpting

Freeze Away Excess Body Fat With CoolSculpting

The battle to banish body fat has proven to be an endless struggle for many people. That’s because solutions like intense exercise, limiting sugar intake, and drinking more water don’t work for some individuals. Instead, those fixes, although optimum for good health,...

Why Winter Is the Best Time to Begin Laser Hair Removal

Why Winter Is the Best Time to Begin Laser Hair Removal

Summer. Sunshine, beaches, vacations … and hair removal. Summer fun comes with a lot of upkeep, not to mention razor burn. If you’re already daydreaming about short shorts and bikinis next summer, now is the perfect time to start your laser hair removal treatment. In...

Dermal Fillers: Selecting the One That’s Right for You

Dermal Fillers: Selecting the One That’s Right for You

Dermal fillers can erase lines and wrinkles from your face. The fillers use hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring chemical in your skin, to fill and support your skin. Different fillers use different technologies, and each has advantages and disadvantages. The...

5 Expert Tips for Managing Rosacea

5 Expert Tips for Managing Rosacea

Rosacea isn’t a life-threatening condition, but it can negatively impact your self-esteem and confidence. But what is rosacea? What causes it? At , we often see patients with rosacea. They come in with flare-ups on their...

When Does a Mole Warrant a Medical Evaluation?

When Does a Mole Warrant a Medical Evaluation?

Moles are common to the human experience and are usually harmless. They’re known as “nevi” (plural) or “nevus” (singular) in the medical world. Most individuals have somewhere between 10 and 40 moles that typically develop in childhood and adolescence. However, new or...

Let’s Talk: Dermatologist-Recommended PM Skincare Routine

Let’s Talk: Dermatologist-Recommended PM Skincare Routine

Few of us have time in the mornings for a full skincare routine. I must admit, most mornings I manage to just get my sunscreen on. However, at night, I take the time to give my skin the care that it deserves. As mentioned in my post for your AM skincare routine: my...

Let’s Talk: Dermatologist-Recommended AM Skincare Routine

Let’s Talk: Dermatologist-Recommended AM Skincare Routine

“What should I use in my every day skincare routine?” That is the most common question I get at the end of an office visit. Rather than an after-thought, we could probably spend a whole visit on this topic! Because there are so many choices for skincare on the market,...